• Aaron Hogland

    Aaron Hogland is a fitness trainer from New York City. Aaron Hogland holds degree in physical education from Florida and also did advanced certification in fitness.

    Aaron went Florida after completing his education and joined a fitness center and started work here as a fitness trainer approximate four & half year. Later on, Aaron Hogland joined a sports academy and worked here a fitness expert, he worked here two years.

    Aaron Hogland wants to start his own business but his parents didn't allow him because he belongs to an average family and there is no other income source. So that he joined his first job as a fitness instructor.
    Now Aaron Hogland runs own fitness center/gym in New York.


    Visit https://www.wattpad.com/story/101630428-aaron-hogland to know more detail info about Aaron Hogland.

  • Aaron Hogland

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    December 13, 2017 · Aaron Hogland
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